Friday, 3 May 2013

Partner with the Parkys

Well, that's been an exciting couple of days!

Last night we played out first gig as a group - Hanc, Mr P and myself, along with our saxophonist friend Graham. We performed a mixture of pop and jazz covers for the evening at a 4/5* hotel, with people getting up to dance and lots of smiles all round! A heartening success, and a huge encouragement to pursue more gigs! The hardest gig done, with a massive pool of songs learned and practised, we're eager to perfect our selections and get out there again! What a joy to get paid for doing something you love!

The great news is that our earnings from the gig will almost cover the next 2.5 months of Visas for Phil and myself. This time we're planning on getting a 6 month Visa to give us a bit more stability and also allow us to travel to neighbouring countries if necessary without invalidating the visa and having to buy a new one! With the help of another one off gift we've received, we're getting there in raising the finance and so we're going to step out in faith and buy the 6 month Visas on Monday. At this point we would absolutely love it if you would partner with us to help us stay in Cambodia for the next 6 months if you feel led to. We're planning on being out here for a fair stretch, and we're excited about how God has already provided, and this is an incredibly practical way you can help us in this next step. We're being strategic in looking for work that we can fit around our church-planting commitments here, and do feel so very blessed to be supported by friends and family back home making our day to day life here possible. Currently the work we have is still limited, and while we're planning, believing for and stepping out to see future Visas, travel fees and even a moto (!) come from our earnings over here, we would like to ask for your support in keeping us right now.

We're learning a heck of a lot, growing and being stretched, but we know there's a lot more for us out here yet. If you'd like to 'Partner with the Parkys' please get in touch, either through facebook, direct message on Twitter, or email me on

Thanks guys, we love and miss you, and are so grateful for each of you in our lives!


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